
Lynn & Scott Cassidy

Married 30 years, parents of 3 gifts from God. A MSW & a MBA that have some free time right now.

Lynn & Scott have lived in Phoenix over 17 years with other moves around the country and have raised 3 children through Catholic schools in 2 states. McKenna & Paul have graduated from/are studying at the University of Notre Dame and little Ave is a pioneering 7-year-old Kindergartener in St Francis Xavier’s commitment to Full Inclusion, embracing her Down Syndrome gifts and special needs.

The Cassidys feel honored to join the mission & vision of The Matthew 19:14 Project because they are living the beauty of it and feel called to ensure every family & child in Arizona can experience the same spirit and love of Catholic education.

When not shuttling down Camelback Lynn & Scott love their retreat with family in Pinetop, dreaming of the food & wine of Italy, and fully engaging anything to do with their beloved alma mater (Go Irish!).